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Blocked Diamond Parcel

This page provides further information about the parcel of 71,654.54 carats from the Williamson mine in Tanzania, which is currently blocked from export.

On 13 December 2021, Petra announced that it had reached agreement on a Framework Agreement in principle with the Government of Tanzania relating to the operations of the Williamson mine. The Framework Agreement provides that Petra and the Government of Tanzania will provide financial assistance for the restart of operations at the Williamson Mine, with Petra having already provided funding and the Government of Tanzania agreeing to allocate the proceeds of the sale of the 71,654.45 carat parcel of diamonds from the Williamson Mine that was previously confiscated and blocked for export.

Framework Agreement with the Government of Tanzania – 13 December 2021


Update on blocked Williamson parcel – published 19 January 2018


Diamond Valuation Certificate

This certificate was issued for the Williamson parcel by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (Diamond and Gemstone Valuation Unit-TANSORT) in Tanzania. Note that the certificate refers to a ‘Provisional Value’ for the Williamson parcel, rather than a ‘Final Value’.

Kimberley Process Certificate

Further to the sealing of the parcel by the MEM (Ministry of Energy and Minerals) and the TMAA (Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency), a Kimberley Process certificate was issued on behalf of the United Republic of Tanzania by the  Commissioner for Minerals at the Central Western Zone Office in Tanzania.

Consignment Invoice

This is Petra’s consignment invoice which accompanies the parcel and confirms the conflict-free source of the diamonds. Note that the ‘Provisional Value’ and volume for the parcel matches those listed on the Diamond Valuation and Kimberley Process certificates. The invoice refers to seals by the TRA (Tanzania Revenue Authority) and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, as well as the Company’s own seals.

Company Receipts

Receipts confirming the Company’s payment of the provisional royalty and associated fees relating to the diamond parcel.